Michele Tennyson

Founding Member

Monica Brown


Geno Bossolono


Hi, I’m Michele Tennyson, that’s me on the left. In 2019 I was asked to be a founding member of Tri State Sanctity of Life, a non-profit organization that was dedicated to bringing speakers, education, support, and the truth about the impact of abortion and the importance of all stages of life to the tri state/Colorado River area communities.

This was something that was very heavy on my heart as I had an abortion 1996 and knew the damaging impact it had on my life. The anger, the depression, the drinking, the resentment, all compounded with prior trauma, I was a mess. But, through the love of Jesus I found forgiveness and a purpose, to help those who are going through the same self-inflicted trauma and to guide those who feel they have no choice down a better path.

Then 2020 hit and we all know what happened in the year no one wants to mention. Life as we know it stopped, and unfortunately, so did the organization. Fast forward to 2022, Pastor Roy reached out and wanted to discuss the future of Tri State Sanctity of Life. After meeting and with much prayer, the Lord laid it on my heart to pick up the banner for this beloved ministry that means so much to me.

Now, with Monica Brown as Treasurer and Geno Bossolono as Secretary, they were voluntold, we are ready to “break ground” on a new vision for the ministry, given to us by the Lord of course! We are now ministering as Sanctity of LIfe Foundation, though you may hear Tri State Sanctity of Life from time to time, don’t be confused, we are one in the same.

What is that vision you ask? To be a hub for pregnancy resources, guiding expectant moms and dads through all the support available to them that they may not be aware of. We are starting in our home town, here along the Colorado River in Arizona and going as far as the Lord leads us.

We are also here to help those who have been struggling and living with the regret to abort, whether that was yesterday or years ago. Despite what the world says, abortion does leave its mark on the heart, mind, and soul. But, it is one that can be healed through Jesus, we have been there, we know what it’s like and we want to help you through it.

Even if you are not in our area we will help you find someone in your hometown that can help.