2nd Annual Step Up For Life Walk at Rotary Park!

When: Saturday March 11, 2023, 10am-2pm

Yes, we know it’s been a few years since the last one, 2020 to be exact, but that year put a damper on anything fun for everyone! Now, we’re back and excited to share with you our new vision and mission.

We will have Raffle Prizes, a 50/50 Drawing, and of course Fresh Air, Fellowship, and Music!

So, what are you waiting for?! Register and make sure to be there!

Cinco De Mayo Celebration & Car Show @ Tropicana Hotel

When: Friday May 5 and Saturday May 6, 9am-5pm

Both days Sanctity of Life Foundation will be partnering with One Step to Freedom.

Come on out, check out some beautiful cars, listen to some live music, and check out the studies we have available for recovery of abortion and addiction.

There is healing through Christ.